Please Note: STAR'S Master Composter Program is currently on pause. |
Master Composter is a nation-wide community-based volunteer program that promotes the benefits of composting through partnership and education. From the basics of backyard composting to the science behind it, the Master Composter program empowers participants to compost and teach others about composting. The State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR) serves as a home and statewide administrator for the Texas-based Master Composter programs and can provide resources and technical assistance to communities hosting Master Composter training events. STAR also hosts regional opportunities for members to become Community Coordinators, as well as Master Composter Instructors! Check our events calendar to see when and where the next event will be held. |
Become a Texas Master ComposterTexas Master Composter Certification requires 20 Learning Hours and 20 Volunteer Hours, earned in coordination with a local or affiliate Texas Master Composter Program. To see if your program qualifies, contact or ask your local Master Composter Coordinator. Learning HoursExample learning activities include attending compost-related tours, workshops/conferences, reading informational materials, and practicing how to compost. Volunteer HoursExample volunteer activities include turning piles at community agriculture project, teaching others about composting in live or online classes, and staffing an information table at public events. Learn More